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Membership of the Company is drawn from the security industry in its widest sense and includes leading security professionals from the industrial and retail sectors, serving and retired members of the police and armed services, security consultants, academics, heads of security for corporate businesses, investigators, and electronic surveillance companies.

The Clerk - Adrienne Harper

Phone: +44 (0) 1256 395036‬
36 Queens Rd, North Warnborough, Hampshire, RG29 1DN

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The Worshipful Company of Security Professional is the City of London Livery Company for members of the Security industry in the UK and Overseas.

We welcome applications from people in the security industry in its widest sense including security professionals from industry, retail and commerce, serving and retired members of the police and armed services, security consultants, academics, heads of security for corporate businesses, investigators, security suppliers and manufacturers and electronic surveillance practitioners.

The Membership of the Company is open to an individual who is, or has been either;

  • a security practitioner by profession, or
  • a person adjudged by the Court to have a strong interest in the Objects of the Company

Security Practitioner by Profession

In deciding if an applicant satisfies the requirement of being a “security practitioner by profession” the following considerations should apply:

“Security” meaning the protection, guarding or defence of persons, property (real and/or intellectual) or the Realm from threats posed by crime, terrorism, or business malpractice. It is the business of dealing with the risks presented by such threats and the creation of a response and/or defence to them. It will encompass everything that works towards the provision of protection, guarding or defence, including intelligence gathering, research and information technology.

“Practitioner” will mean that the person earns a living (or has in the past) within a business providing security [as defined above]. And is involved in applying security principles and practices in either the private or public sector, or holds a senior professional or commercial position within such a business. There must be an element of management of the provision of security (which can be indirect, as with educators).

“By profession” will mean that the person is skilled in both the theory and practice of security provision, or is visibly qualified in a discipline directly connected to or directly related to security provision, and conducts their business with integrity and honourable practice. Such skill can have been achieved either through education or practical experience. The establishment of a good reputation in their field is essential.

The true test will be to ask if the person has made a worthwhile contribution to the profession of security provision, irrespective of the length of time of that contribution, or when it was.

Strong Interest in the Objects of The Company

Applicants who follow this path to membership will be no less welcome but they will need to submit with their application evidence of their ‘strong interest’ for consideration of those making a determination. The Membership Committee would expect, therefore:

  • that current or past working experience in or with the security industry is a principal requirement; there should be a clear link with the provision of security
  • as defined for a practitioner above, and
    that one or more of the following additional factors should be present:

    • has demonstrated support for the security industry;
    • has promoted/supported/encouraged standards of excellence, integrity and honourable practice in the security industry or in their chosen field;
    • has advanced and/or promoted knowledge of security practice;
    • has been involved in education relating to the practice of security;
    • has been in business which supports the security industry;
    • has actively supported the Company and its objectives
    • has attended functions organised by the Company;
    • has a skill that would be useful to the Company and has expressed a willingness to use that skill to support and benefit the Company;
    • has demonstrated a charitable nature.

Benefits of becoming a member of the Company.

Our members are passionate about “giving back” to the security industry by contributing their time, skills and experience to the company, and by supporting Company events and the activities of the WCoSP | Charitable Trust


Membership also gives you the chance to make lifelong friendships with like-minded people from all sections of the security industry, through our wide and varied programme of formal and informal events that run throughout the year. These events provide a unique opportunity for Members to meet, network and socialise in some of London’s most prestigious venues.


If you enjoy good company, companionship and want to create long-lasting friendships and wish to support good causes and those in need of help and assistance, consider becoming a member of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals.

While many our members are industry leaders, the evidence of success and achievement that we are expecting does not have to be as a Director or Head of Security in a corporation or as a Chairman or CEO of a successful security business. It may be demonstrated by seniority in many different ways within the security industry, and other bodies such as the Police or the Armed Forces. Technical expertise, or academic experience, or employment as a senior manager, or in professional roles such as finance, accountancy, law, health, personnel, marketing or public relations etc., where there is a strong Security connection are all good reasons for becoming a member.

There are different ways for members to participate. But the following two aspects are a “benchmark”.

Committee Work

The charitable aims of the Company are paramount, and are managed by the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals Charitable Trust Board of Trustees. The Company has four Standing Committees namely, the Finance and General Purposes Committee, the Marketing and Fundraising Committee, the Membership Committee and the Services Committee. The Chairman of each reporting to the Court of Assistants chaired itself by the Master. It is hoped that you will be willing to take part in the work of at least one of these committees. Participation can take different forms, depending on the committee concerned. Typically a Standing Committee meets four times a year to assess progress on its work programme and to initiate new activities. Smaller working groups within each committee will progress particular projects.

Attending Events

You should try to attend at least one of the various enjoyable formal functions each year and additionally one informal event. Many members attend many more than this minimum.

This will vary depending on how old you are. Seeking to build a strong and sustainable membership base for the future, the fees and subscription structure listed below recognises different levels of affordability associated with age.

On being accepted as a Member of the Company, they will pay the joining fee and quarterage (annual subscription) appropriate to their age. Before they can progress to become a Freeman of the Company, they will be required to serve a minimum 12 months’ preparatory period during which they will be expected to attend a New Members’ Briefing and at least two of the Company’s City of London qualifying events (see below).

Members who have successfully completed the 12 month preparatory period, may apply to the Court to become a Freeman and on being granted their Freedom will be required to pay the appropriate Freedom Fine shown below.

Freemen seeking advancement to Livery must, in addition to the conditions already set out in Ordinance 7.2 (available on the website), have attended at least four of the Company’s City of London events (see below). Their application must be approved by the Court and they will be required to pay the Livery Fine stated below.

Liverymen elected to the Court of Assistants will also pay a fine – largely to offset the cost of their badge of office.

The annual quarterage for those members currently serving overseas on 1 July each year is 50% of the current rate providing prior notification is received by the Treasurer.

There is also a 50% rate for retired members within the conditions set out in Ordinance 22.14.

Members paying privately have an option to pay over 10 Months. The Member must submit a request to pay by instalments to the Treasurer & Accountant. The necessary paperwork would then be supplied and the completed. The payment would be for 10 equal payments on the 1st July, 1st August, 1st September, 1st October, 1st November, 1st December, 1st January, 1st February, 1st March and 1st April.

Quarterage for Members joining after the start of the Company Year is charged according to the date of joining as follows:

  • July to September 100% of the Annual Rate
  • October to December 75% of Annual Rate
  • January to March 50% of Annual Rate
  • April to June 25% of Annual Rate


  1. Apart from the Joining Fee and Freedom Fine VAT must be added to the above rates.
  2. The decision date for all levels of membership is 1 July.
  3. Expected to be paid by the Apprentice Master.
  4. See Ordinances 22.14.
  5. See Ordinances 22.15.
  6. Applicants for membership who are Honorary Liverymen or Honorary Freemen of the Company admitted directly to the Freedom of the Company will not be liable to pay the Joining Fee. (Court decision 12 April 2017)

Qualifying Events

  • Master’s Installation Lunch
  • Annual Dinner
  • Common Hall
  • Christmas Lunch
  • Ladies Lunch
  • Founders’ Church Service
  • Annual Security Lecture
  • City of London Police Commissioner’s Dinner
  • Metropolitan Police Commissioner’s Dinner
  • Affiliates Lunch
  • United Guilds Service
  • Carol Service
  • Spring Dance

The cost of attending one or two dinners or lunches and maybe some other events or functions varies, for example the Master’s Installation Lunch costs around £100, and the Annual Dinner around £110. However, in the end, the annual cost will depend mostly upon the level of your personal involvement with our activities. These annual costs should be regarded as part of your personal lifetime commitment to the Company, which continues after your retirement from gainful employment.

You join The Company normally as a Member. You can then become a Freeman of the Company. Once you are a Freeman you can then apply to become a Freeman of the City of London. This must be completed before you may advance to become a Liveryman. It is from our Liverymen that the Court of Assistants is formed and it is they who nominate the various officers of the Company, i.e. the Master, Wardens, Treasurer, Clerk etc. It is quite possible, therefore, if you are interested in being more deeply involved in the organisation, for you to become its Master.

As well as integrity, courtesy, enthusiasm in working for the objectives of the Company and respect for the traditions of the City within which the Company operates, you should positively enjoy social interaction and taking part in formal and informal events.

It is recognised that people’s circumstances change over what is a lifetime commitment, and that the ways in which people can contribute at any one time will vary accordingly. The Company looks sympathetically at such circumstances as they might arise.

First and foremost, you will be giving something back to your profession and industry and supporting its charitable works. You may become a Freeman of the City of London as well as our Livery Company. You will be able to attend the events we arrange within our own Company such as luncheons and dinners and in time it may entitle you to attend some city events too. We also have occasional informal social meetings for those in London and you will be able to participate in Company and City Livery sporting and social activities. Our website, newsletters, flyers distributed by email and annual review will keep you up to date with events and news about the company. As with any organised association of like-minded people, the more you put into the Livery, the more you will get out of it.

The Company is not primarily a vehicle for pursuing business. However, there is natural scope for building relationships with other members and networking with like-minded individuals, all of whom have a commitment to the industry.

The Company welcomes the participation of spouses and partners at all social functions and activities. It is also possible to bring other guests to certain events.

Like all livery companies there are certain ceremonials practiced. However, none of these should make people feel uncomfortable, since they are about City traditions. The New Members briefing will explain the protocols and procedures that are the fabric of City Livery life.

We have members of many religious denominations and creeds. Livery companies, however, are historically linked to Christian communities and therefore it is normal tradition for a prayer to be said at formal events, dinners, lunches etc. There are also two religious services that we hold each year at our Livery Church. One is to celebrate our founding, the other a Christmas Carol service.

Yes, you can. If you do not know a Freemen or Liverymen who can act as your sponsor and seconder, please contact the Clerk.

The Clerk can exceptionally request a formal interview by a Membership Committee Panel on your behalf and you will be contacted directly by the Chair of the Membership Committee to arrange this.

Are you interested in becoming a Member?

If you are interested in becoming a member of The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, please contact the Clerk or fill out the contact form and the Clerk will be in touch to assist with your application.

The Clerk
Adrienne Harper
Phone: +44 (0) 1256 395 036
The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals,
36 Queens Road,
North Warnborough,
RG29 1DN

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